Log in to your account by clicking:
Register if necessary. (See "How to register")
Once you are logged in, configure your searches by filling the form:
Load, edit and save your searches by clicking:
You will find this link right above the search form.
If it's your first time using the interface, an empty table will appear.
Give a name to your search and click the save button:
Your search will now appear saved in the list:
To enable automatic searches and receive daily notifications via email, make sure the checkbox is enabled:
You can load results selecting a date from:
This menu will only be available once new search results have been generated, generally once a day.
Results will load in a table below the search form:
View results on the full page by clicking any of the highlighted words.
It is possible to load a previously saved search by using:
Searches can also be deleted at any time, just click on the delete button:
Click "Register" on the login page
Fill the registration form with your email address and click "Register":
You will then receive a registration email like this one, press "Confirmation" to activate your account:
Please check your spam folder if you don't receive any email after several minutes.
Select a password to use and press confirm: